FX Trading

The secrets to mastering forex trading and growing your account

Author : fxtrader

What will it take to make $500 per day currency trading?

QUESTION: I only have $10,000 to start with. How should I plan my trades so that I can make $500 per day currency trading? ANSWER: That’s a great question. Many beginning traders who attempt to make big money currency trading fall into the trap of ‘unrealistic expectations’ and I will take this opportunity to show […]

Is currency trading in the forex market really worth the risk?

It is common knowledge that most investors fail at finding success in forex currency trading. In fact, it is not uncommon to hear that 90% of traders loose money in this market. Despite all of this, the currency market is not a trading opportunity you want to turn your back on. Ironic as it may […]

Secrets to Successful Foreign Exchange Currency Trading

Imagine a lifestyle like this… You wake up early everyday (around 7:30/8:00 am) and enjoy a beautiful breakfast on your patio that overlooks the ocean. You take in the warm, breezy air and soak up every ounce of your relaxing lifestyle. Around 8:30, you head on over to your computer where you’ve installed your foreign […]

Automated Forex Trading System: Is FAP Turbo any good?

Plenty has been said about FAB Turbo. As you know, I am somewhat of a conversative currency trader myself so I’m a little weary of such things like robots and so forth. That said, I still promote FAB turbo here for the following reasons: It will place trades 24 hours per day (without any intervention needed […]

How much money should I start trading currencies with?

You can start trading currencies with very little money. Depending on your objectives (and, how much money you want to make), this can be good or bad. In the case of starting small (with only $300)… It is true that you can open a Forex Trading Account with a broker with as little as $300. […]

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